5 Things I Learned In SMM

real estate in the city

This semester I took a  social media marketing course and I learned a lot. This blog is going to inform you of 5 important factors that I took away from my social media class. The goal of this is to give you an idea on how to improve your personal brand on social media.

1) Feedly is Key

Having a RSS feed is crucial to your success with sharing content consistently that is valuable. If I did not have Feedly, finding content would be extremely difficult. Having multiple streams and feeds are critical to have a diverse selection of content for your network. Feedly creates your social sharing. Feedly creates value to your social network. Feedly is key for content.

2) Consistency is Crucial

Being consistent with your brand and social media makes the biggest impact on your network. I never understood why all our platforms needed to be consistent, but overtime that changed. I realized the impact it had on people who are looking for you and seeing you across multiple platforms. You are creating awareness of your brand by being consistent with your brand.

3) Planning is Important

Having a plan to what you are doing is one the biggest lessons I have learned on social media. If you don’t have a plan to what you are going to be sharing or writing, you are going to be very lost. Being lost is not fun, trust me I have been there and done that. Scheduling your content through a platform (Hootusite, Buffer) can save you so much time and keep you on track. Planning will make your life a billion times easier.

4) Focus Drives your Content

Everyone needs to start somewhere with something. If you don’t have a focus, it is hard to create an audience and have a track record of what you are attempting to accomplish. You never realize the importance of having your career focus on display, until you begin to network and engage with people who can make the difference in your social media experience. This was the case for myself. Once I focused on my career focus and my career focused content, my metrics skyrocketed. Focus is everything for social media.

5) Engagement is Growth

One of the biggest components to social media is engagement. This is no secret, but it is very undervalued.  When I developed my personal brand, I would very rarely engage with my network, but once I began to engage I noticed my network activity grow. When you engage, overtime your following grows and your audience comes with you. You don’t notice the long-term effects of engagement, only the short-term. If you don’t engage with your network, you are missing the whole point of social media.

Final Thoughts

I hope you all enjoyed this blog post and took away something to help your personal branding on social media. Leave a comment on some social media tips you use every day that might could help someone else on their journey with social media. Please feel free to share, comment, and like this post. If you want more content, please subscribe to my blog via email to receive future

3 Ways Sports Have Developed My Brand


Sports Branded the Business Student


Brands are developed overtime. Here are three attributes sports have given me to craft my brand as a business student.

“Obstacles don’t have to stop you. If you run into a wall, don’t turn around and give up. Figure out how to climb it, go through it, or work around it.” – Michael Jordan

1) Confidence

Confidence Gives You Determination

As an athlete confidence is a must. You need to have confidence in everything you do within your respective sport. You need to learn to take the shot, swing for the gates, or run like there’s no tomorrow. Confidence is shown in everything you do. Today, I have no issue with confidence in the classroom. I am confident in my ability to deliver results. I am confident to present my work. I am confident in all my work. Confidence is what drives my determination to be successful.


2) Determination

Determination Drives Passion

Determination is what drives passion. When I played basketball, the determination to get to the playoffs is what fueled our game. The determination to pass the other team in a relay race is what drove us to work harder together. Determination was only present when passion is in the hearts of the team. In the classroom, determination to be the best is present in nearly every class. In our teams, we must be determined to compete against other teams and deliver the best results we can. We must be determined that we will end with the best project in the class. Determination is what drives a team.


3) Passion

Passion Drives Results

Without passion, your team never plays at full potential. When you are on the court, all team members must have passion with what they are doing. You must play with your heart on your sleeve and show how much you are willing to give for the sport. When I played sports, I was very emotional and passionate with everything I did. When I was mad, it was because I cared. When I was happy, it was because I cared. When I went crazy on the refs, it was because I cared. Passion is an indicator of driving results and putting everything you can into what you are doing. As a business student, I must be passionate about the area I am studying. If I’m not passionate I can drive results for my work. I must be passionate to graduate with a business degree.


Comment down below, how has your hobby in life branded you in your current career? If you enjoyed the content, please share/like the post, and subscribe to my blog to receive email updates.

Thank you for taking the time to read! Enjoy your day.